Many of you have already asked about our new doctor and services. We appreciate your interest in our growth! I was in Banff last week working on an intensive program teaching business owners how to take care of themselves so they can perform better. I will be back this week, then I will be in…
What is Acupuncture?
My favorite thing about using traditional Chinese medicine is being able to individualize treatment. There are acupuncture points for dry mouth, dry eyes, TMJ, numbness, and other things that are quite difficult to address with conventional medicine. There are diagnoses that simply don’t exist in Western medicine, so we can address and explain things that…
If You Have A Friend With Infertility, You Have To Read This
Do you have a friend who is trying to conceive? Take a minute to read some stats and remind yourself that she is probably struggling way more than you think. Give her a hug before that next baby shower. Call her and ask her how she is doing when her sister gets pregnant. Offer an…
Lifesaver for Little Childhood Illnesses
It’s that time of year! If you are worried about your kiddo getting sick, remember that there are tons of safe natural therapies that many people have not ever heard of. I created a short email series to help parents learn about home remedies to use. I learned these things from my 9 years of being a mommy…
2 Things You Have to Know About Exercise and Fertility
If you are trying to have the best hormone levels possible, pay attention to 2 things. First, don’t over exercise! Calorie restriction combined with heavy exercise causes huge drops in hormone levels. The right balance of hormones is critical for normal cycle, normal fertile ground for the baby, and normal egg release. If you think…