Dr. Johnson works with people who need well care as well as people with severe and complicated chronic illness to provide personalized medicine. Most patients initially come in because they want a different kind of care. They need someone who can figure out complex cases as well as manage their basic daily healthcare needs without the frustration of dealing with the health care system. Dr. Johnson provides natural treatments whenever possible so you can avoid the unnecessary use of medications, but is also well trained to understand when a medication is absolutely necessary for you. The patients at Aspire Health need someone to take extra time to understand what is happening with their bodies and why they don’t feel well. They need a provider who has time for their appointments, and a consistent staff that knows them by name. They need a doctor who knows them well enough to recognizes changes and patterns in their health. At the first visit, we review your entire history, all of your symptoms, previous lab work, and decide what tests still need to be done. At your follow up visit, we discuss a plan and what the future looks like for your care. Dr. Johnson’s goal is to empower you to take your health care into your own hands but remain available for ongoing improvements and maintenance as needed. For some patients, that means 1-2 visits to tackle their problem. For others, that means some work up front and coming in once a year to check in. For a few, that means being part of our VIP program to just have fast easy access to what you want when you want it. If you are looking for holistic concierge service, check out the information about our VIP plan.